Wicked was wicked good.
More tomorrow.
MIT: Medievalist In Training
The rough of my 'big' research paper was due yesterday and as I had the opinion of emailing it to the professor, I did just that. Now before I go on, I need to explain that part of the class grade is also given for critiquing one of our classmates papers. Still that knowledge did not prepare me to receive a classmate's paper as an email attachment
Only it wasn't just a email attachment. The professor had forwarded my classmates email to him to me. So now not only do I have a digital copy of her paper, a word document no less, my classmates email address, but I also know the exact time she emailed the professor along with the text of her email to him.
Momentarily I was distracted by the paper itself (the phrase 'It has long been know,' made a appearance, and spell-check doesn't appear to exist on her computer) and the fact I had roughly 24hrs to write a critique and prepare an oral. Therefore, it wasn't until I was going to bed that it hit me, that if I now possessed a word document of someone's paper, along with their email then someone out there had my paper and email.
It unnerved me more than a little bit.
I hate to even think that one of my classmates would sell a classmates paper or plagiarize it, but it is unfortunately something that goes on. I'm not only worried about my paper but my classmates.
Part of me is sure I'm over reacting, but another part of me wants to bring this up to the Professor.
As far as I'm concerned I had ownership digital or otherwise to that paper –rough draft or not. I emailed the paper to my Professor, I gave my permission for him to posses a digital copy of my paper, no one else.
Is this something I should bring up to the Professor or should I just keep my mouth shut? Would you want your student bringing something like this that unnerves them to your attention?
I'm really at a loss what to do.
Dear fellow undergrads,
I'm very glad you have the Google-fu to find my posts on the Wife of Bath, Lanval, and others. Your ability to use a simple search engine cofounds us all.
Just one little thing?
If you copy one of my posts and turn it into your Professor there is a good chance they will be able to find the entry as easily as you did.
In other words: DON'T STEAL. If you want to cite my blog; go here.
No love,
History Geek
I had a professor today email me to let me know that one of his students had turned in my post on Hamlet as their response paper. I'm not sure whether I'm flattered or ticked off. I think I'll settle for a bit of both.